Honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. When bees gather nectar from flowers, they store it in their honey stomachs, which are small pouches located just behind their heads. As the bees fly back to the hive, enzymes in their honey stomachs begin to break down the complex sugars in the nectar into simpler sugars.
When the bees return to the hive, they regurgitate the partially digested nectar into the cells of the hive’s honeycomb. The bees then fan their wings to help evaporate any remaining water from the nectar, which helps to thicken it and concentrate the sugars. Once the water content of the nectar has been reduced to around 17-18%, the bees seal the cells of the honeycomb with a wax cap to preserve the honey.
The type of honey produced depends on the types of flowers the bees gather nectar from. For example, bees that gather nectar from clover will produce clover honey, while bees that gather nectar from orange blossoms will produce orange blossom honey. The color and flavor of the honey will also depend on the types of flowers the bees gather nectar from, as well as the soil and climate conditions in the region where the bees are located.